Tuesday, January 1, 2019

We made it!

Happy we made it through another year! 
PATTY:  Frankly, we're happy to be done with 2018.  The good things were the garden, visiting my sister, quitting my job, and finding doctors in whom I have some confidence.  The bad things were -- well, I'll keep those to myself because why spread the pain, right?

DAFFY:  I'm glad my butt furs are growing back so I don't have to face the new year in total humiliation. 

PATTY:  Well, I'm not gonna ask you if you have any resolutions because I can imagine they cover the subjects of an increase in treats, more gravy, and a giant water fountain that runs all day long.

DAFFY:  Yes, those are the resolutions I made for YOU.  My resolution is to nap more.

PATTY:  I don't know how it is possible for you to nap MORE, but okay, I can live with that.  If you're napping, you're not begging for food, treats, or running water. 

Let's just hope for a kinder, more peaceful, less violent, less hateful, more humane year in 2019.  xoxo


Zoolatry said...

Aaah, yes (Ditto to the last line ...).

Happy Mew Year friends.

Katie Isabella said...

Here here Daffy. And you are looking splendid I might meow!

pilch92 said...

Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Happy, Healthy 2019! I LOVE what you wrote "Let's just hope for a kinder, more peaceful, less violent, less hateful, more humane year in 2019" AMEN!! xoxo

Sandee said...

"Let's just hope for a kinder, more peaceful, less violent, less hateful, more humane year in 2019." I couldn't agree more.

Have a fabulous day and a happy new year. ♥