Saturday, October 3, 2020

Sunspot Snooze

It's the beginning of sunspot season! Happy Autumn! xoxo P.S. Yes, Daffy got another lion cut so her rear end is very sleek.


Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure caught a glorious sunpuddle!

Katie Isabella said...

What a pleasure to see you and hear from you. You look magnificent and I know you feel good with your sleek fashionable cut.

ZOOLATRY said...

Well, hello pretty kitty! We've been "absent" from blogging since Sept 1 (did you notice? ha, ha, ha!) ... and our first post since then is on the blog TODAY ... a bit of news of note, so go visit.
You'll be a little bit surprised methinks.
Hope all of you have been staying safe and well, are you tele-working (I hope so) ... and
by the way, Mz Daffy's back end is just as cute as her front end!
Love and hugs, Ann