Here I am hard at work in the fort keeping guard! Phew! |
DAFFY: Okay, I'm not used to having the pawrents around all day, all night, all the time! They have masks, they have gloves, and I have never heard so much jibber jabber about toilet paper in my whole life. A crisis like this always demonstrates quite clearly the inferiority of the species. So many acoutrements are necessary for their upkeep! I'm relieved to be in the fort keeping watch over the yard in case any virus-laden squirrels or critters try to claw their way into our isolation chamber. This is hard, hard work!
PATTY: You just better hope that your chewy.com order is delivered soon or we'll see whose "acoutrements" are so important.
Excuse me, but I am off-duty now. Leave me alone! I am self-isolating. |
Hope everyone is in a good situation to be safe! I won't preach but this whole situation could have been prevented and it makes me very, very angry that people are losing their lives. xoxo
Daffy, so good to see your beautiful face and know you are in your fort keeping guard for your family. I am doing the same over here and let me tell you...it's a never ending job! I am on the move night and day as I am sure you are as well! XXOO Katie
Keep them under lock & key. Portion out their foods! (and the t.p.) ...
Do not allow strangers on your properties ...
Stay safe. We luvs you all ...
Dougie Dog, Zoey and the Zoolatry Human
(and PS, angry like your Mom lots of times)
PS forgots to say those are both really sweet and great photos of you!
Your job is to keep them occupied and their mind off the awful virus. Stay healthy.
So far our mom is home, and we're happy for that. She's keeping her paws crossed that she continues to work from home. And yes, we agree a lot of this could have been avoided!
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