Saturday, November 3, 2018

Before it's too late!

Graphic compliments of Ann of Zoolatry!
PATTY:  I love my sister but she doesn't vote.  Why?  Because she doesn't read and so she doesn't know who the candidates are or anything about their values or platforms.  She doesn't know what constitutional amendments or proposals are on the ballot and I'll bet she doesn't even know where her polling place is.  She is, however, registered to vote.  This just makes me so mad and I tell her but she always counters that the issues really aren't relevant to her life.  Of course, she is so wrong but I'm glad she has the intelligence to NOT vote if she knows nothing about the issues.

If you are a person who knows nothing going into the polling place, I have a treat for you.  Wouldn't you rather be informed as you cast your vote?  Here is a link to a site that will tell you what is on the ballot in your city and what those things mean:  All you have to do is type in your address or zip code and it will show you what's on the ballot so you can be prepared.

DAFFY:  Wish I could vote!  I'd vote for tuna! 


Brian's Home Blog said...

Our peeps always vote. I can't vote since I'm a cat but I did get called for jury duty once. The Dad had fun explaining why I wasn't gonna show up.

Katie Isabella said...

I think this is one of the best blogs I will read today! I'm not in that boat but thank you for trying to help out those who may not know and want to know! Daffy, I'm with you. Throw in some chick-hen.