Thursday, February 18, 2021

What's fur me?


Are there any treats in here for me?

Did you forget the Cheesy Craze??

What's fur me?  

PATTY:  She's got to inspect the groceries to make sure there's a fair portion for her.  Unlike Bhu, she does not go wild over the plastic bags.  She's very calm about the whole intrusion.  Changes have to be investigated.

DAFFY:  Can we have some Cheesy Craze now?  

PATTY:  Absolutely!  Let's say a purrayer for all the kitties and woofies who might not have heat or water because of the storms.  We hope the best for all of them and their humans.  xoxo


Katie Isabella said...

Good morning Daffy. Believe it or not I have thought of you very frequently. I am iso glad to see you.

ZOOLATRY said...

Hi pretty girl! We don't get to see you often enough, so glad you came out of hiding ... and hoping you and your family and well and safe ... and warm and cozy, too!

PS we sent your hu-mom an email a long time ago, ask her if she ever received it, was like
just after Christmas time ??? we kind of got worried a little bit that we never heard back from her ...

Chin scritches to you, hugs to your hu-mon!

catladymac said...

We are happy tp hear from you and your Mom Daffy. We have been sending purrayers to all the animals (and thei humans - if they have any)caught in this weather.