Sunday, August 12, 2018


These giants weigh a little over 2 pounds each. 
PATTY:  So, you're expecting to see Daffy but no can do.  She's snoozing in the window and doesn't want to be photographed.  We had to have a grooming intervention last week ($150 because she has to be sedated), so she has a few "bare" spots on her belleh.  It's just astounding how much she was shedding!  We absolutely could not keep up with it even though we were brushing her at least twice a day.  Plus, we learned she has a skin condition that is causing copious amounts of dandruff so now we have to apply an ointment to her coat.

Instead, what you are seeing here is a mountain of tomatoes that I harvested last night.  These are not the first, as you know, and will probably not be the last but they are GIGANTIC (in both size and flavor).  Also harvested were a few squash and some anaheim peppers.  Here's a photo of some of the smaller, normal sized tomatoes.  Yum, huh?

We're normal and will probably go into a salad or sandwich. 
Yesterday I watched the Sex & The City movie.  Quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever watched (and I've seen "Meatballs" and at least one other early Bill Murry movie).  How did this series/franchise ever become so popular?

But the big thing for me this weekend is that I have been trying not to think about the big failure I am having at work.  It's BIG.  What do you do when you have a FAIL at work?  Usually, I can fix it; but this time I don't know.  Plus, I have reached a level of IDGAS that is disturbing for me.  Usually I care . . . I really care; but lately, IDGAS.  Honestly, I'm stressed out.  Too much has been assigned to me and I'm not getting any institutional support.  Bear in mind:  I'm part-time.  I'm retired.  I know what you're going to say. 

At least I didn't have to have my belleh shaved, right?!  Have a good week, all!  xoxo

1 comment:

Katie Isabella said...

I loved reading this blog! I always do but seeing them 'maters just sends me to the moon and back...several times.But I have had no luck this years with my's all my fault for an unthinking mistake I made. They paid the price and me too as I got none but 3 small ones. I love tomatoes.

I concur 100+ % with you on Sex in the City and Meatballs and all of that ilk. Stupid. No idea how they (it) became so popular. I'd rather read.

Regarding the job...leave. Seriously. It's not worth it if it makes you eellike that and they have no regard whatsoever for you pr what you are doing. It's not working for YOU. Unless you are perishing for the salary...find something else. Please. It's not worth suffering for.

Daffy, Kate had a lot of dandruff and I found that my combing her did not do the trick. She needed daily brushing with the Zoom Groom and then, brushing with a human hairbrush to get all the loose furs. After 2 days the dandruff was awful. BUT on the third day almost gone. Only serious grooming with the Zoom Groom helps.

What is her skin condition if I may ask? We Mom's have to give our experiences so other moms can better serve the little ones. XX