Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bad Hair Day

He got scalped. After thirteen years of grooming him, Josie has finally thrown in the towel. This is how she returned him to me after his Tuesday appointment. Needless to say, we are trying to find another groomer. We are trying to train Bhu to take the brush. He hates the Furminator and won't let us get near him with a comb. To be honest, we are liking the shaved butt, but he has one leg that isn't shaved and one that is partially shaved and this deep shaver crevice in the middle and . . . oh, what a mess. It's very sad; it's almost criminal. Sigh. I guess I just didn't tip well enough. Or, whatever. I made these aprons (his & hers) for my former assistant and her husband who are moving into a new house in Kansas. She's very cool and is going to have a great career (I hope) and do LOTS of good in the world (I'm sure)! I'm also piecing 30's repro prints together for another apron project. Love these cheerful, colorful prints! Other than that, we finally got some rain (but not enough), the rain barrels are full again (!), and there are little tomaters on the plants (but not big enough to eat). I've been able to get some gardening projects done and I paid off my mortgage early. The town has been named one of the top 25 places to retire again, but out-of-town developers are pouring in and building dozens of 700 bed units for students; nobody's building anything for retirees. Go figure! And here's a nostalgic peek at the preshave Bhu, when he had all his fine, glorious furz! Next Friday we try out a new groomer! FINGERS CROSSED! xxoo P.S. We are going to have a give-away for the $49 Furminator sometime in the next couple of weeks, so keep stopping by fur that! xxoo Patty


Katie Isabella said...

That is HORRIBLE! Why did the groomer DO that? Was there an explanation? Something? Anything?

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, dear. Why didn't she do a lion cut?

Admittedly I used to have angel Chumley's tummy and hind end shaved a few times a year because of his matts, but she didn't leave patches like that on his back.

I could say it's "only" fur, and that's true, but even so.....I vote for a full lion cut -- at least it will look good then and grow back at the same time!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Poor Uncle Bhu. We know Bhu isn't as patient with the grooming now, but a groomer (especially one that knows how to work with cats) should be able to work with him little by little. Surely, she didn't make you pay anything for this!

We hope the new groomer works out for him.

The Florida Furkids said...

OMC that's awful. Poor Bhu. We sure hope you didn't pay for that!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Oh, Bhu! that is terrible. We know you were not a bad kitty and did not deserve this treatment.

Katie Isabella said...

That precious blameless baby. I am so sorry that happened. xoxoxo to your baby.