I finally finished it! The photo shows the blocks on the floor awaiting the final sewing, which took about three hours because it was SO HEAVY! My poor little feed dogs were wimpin' out on me. Now I know why I don't do this often! For a small quilt or a lap-size, qayg is not a problem. But for a queen-size . . . just too heavy. But I LOVE it! And I got it done before the snow flies! :-)
These are some new fabrics that I am going to use for projects this winter:
--Amy Butler fabrics that were on sale 40% last month. No way I was gonna pass that up!

--Flora fabrics from Moda that I saw last week. I was going to order these online, but there they were, right in front of the store calling my name! So I got one yard of each and 7 threads for the price of 4 in the right colors. These are going to be my bull's eye quilt!

Aside from this, I have been really busy at work. We have been having "fake summer" again and I just love this weather! Unfortunately, it will get cold again and April is a long way off. Haven't had time for blogging and very little for sewing, but the time I spend at the machine is always the most fun and satisfying! I've also been reading a LOT of books, including at least a dozen "new" quilting/sewing books written by twenty-somethings. There is quite a different perspective, from the fabrics to the patterns and the quilting. The quilts and fabrics remind me very much of those made during the depression: lots of bright colors and white! I still love the 1800's repros, but I love these "new" fabrics, too.
Tonight I spent a couple of hours making a chili mother for the school's annual chili/chowder cook-off. I actually have a chance to win because Dr. Sampson is NOT making his shrimp creole this year! He has won two years in a row. I don't really care if I win: this is a fundraiser so we can buy presents for our adopted family. I just hope there's enough food for everyone and that we make LOTS of money! I let Mark taste the chili mother and he didn't like it. Maybe when I put in the beans, he will change his mind. He is such a purist.
Bhu is being very lovey. He enjoyed having a new quilt to "baptize," and I enjoy seeing his bright blues glow when he sees it for the first time. "Oh, good! More quilts fur ME!" That's right, Bhu. It's all for you! xxoo
That is a very pretty quilt!
Wonderful Quilt, and it was great to see Dah Buh enjoying it! Snow Flies? That sounds cold. Cold and buzzy.
Note: Chili had Guinness Stout in it, which knocked down all the tastes ... but Sabryin is a purist; he needs his beans! Luckily, the chili is not for him. Buh wants to know: does the adopted family means more pets for him?
I love how Bhu gets to model all of the quilts! As you can see in my last post, Cheddar is modeling bedding too! lol
You will have to post your recipe! You can try mine too! Yummy!
Also meant to add, love that yummy quilt and those Yummy fabrics!
Bhu, your mom and pop can come over any time to eat:)
Hi I came by to say thanks for visiting and helping me celebrate my birthday, Hugs GJ xx
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