"Thanks, mom, but why you post baby photo of me?? Hmmmm, I was purrty hansome!" Well, yes, and you still are a very hansome mancat! You were such a scamp when you were little, always running away from us! You would run and run under the beds, under the sofas and chairs, under the tables and never let us catch you. And then when we gave up, you would come out and show yourself and sit calmly and look at us until we came after you again and you would run, run, run, run away. What a scamp!
"Well, you knew I would get hungry some time and stop running to eat." THAT'S for sure! And now you don't run, you just EAT. And sleep.
"Yep. I has matooored." Hmmm. Well, Happy Birthday Bhu! We love you! xxooo
Happy Birthday Bhu! You are still a handsome mancat!
Happy birthday, Bhu! You were a precious little one then and you're a gorgeous mancat now. We hope you have a wonderful birthday!
He was a Tazmanian Devil! But now he's not, he's just my "precious" in the Lord of the Rings sense...no, healthier. Happy Birthdayz Bhu! I just gave you a ride down the hall in the cat carriage, x9 (a good number)!
Happy Birthday, Bhu! I hope you have many, many more! You were an adorable little mancat and you are a very handsome mancat now!
Truffle and Mom Paula
Happy Belated Birthday Bhu! Hope it was filled full of all of the yummy stuff you love!
So what did you dress up as for Halloween, Bhu?
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