or let Summer dry your laundry for free:

or sit back and watch the double daylily and purple liatris grow:

or notice that there is a "mystery" squash growing in one of the compost bins:

or sew all of your little Broken Crockery blocks together in color ways because you can't decide how to "randomize" them:

and then start a new quilt.

We agree those are great ways to beat the heat. Especially the nap or quilting!
Mystery squash! We're intrigued.
Mommy loves the quilting idea.
I either stay inside with the AC or get into the pool.
I have a new blog set up for the future kittens. Come on over and visit.
Mom Paula
It looks like you're having a wonderful summer, in spite of the heat!
Love-fur-ly! Fun times! Poppa did suggest a good way to randomize quilt blocks...dice! Probably not your idea of craftmanship, though!
Such lovely quilt blocks! Certainly time to stay indoors with all of this heat! Sometimes I wished we lived out west. The dry heat is more bearable. TG for air conditioning! Have you ever considered shaving Bhu for summer? LOL
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