So what's with you, Bhu? "Got fleas." How did that happen? "Dunno. I never go outside, only once a month to get groomed." Well, I'll put some Advantage on this spot right here and see what happens, okay? "K. Thanks, mom. Also, I didn't win the Cutest Pet Contest. Some silly black woofie won and I don't even think he was cute." Well, you're the CUTEST to me and since I'm the one who feeds you, I guess that's all that matters. Aside from hiding from tornadoes and trying to keep cool during the heat wave, I've been busy working on quilts. This is a thread-saver quilt for someone who is retiring next month. She likes "harvest colors," and I'm not quite sure I know what that means, so this is my attempt.

Then there is this one that I finished this morning. Just need to put on the backing, quilt it and bind it and it is done!

And the Amy Butler III quilt made with thread-saver rectangles for which I used scraps from her Charm and Belle line combined with rectangles from the Midwest Modern line. Just needs a backing, quilting and binding.

Well, Bhu, I guess I'll need to move your butt offa there! "No thanks, mom. I is comfy." Hmmmmmmm.
It is pretty and looks comfy! we are so sory you got fleas!
I don't like the flea med. too but my dad will do it for me every month. Sometime, when you don't think about it, It wasn't that bad ! All cats have to do it anyway, You are not alone my friend !
The quilt look lovely, Great work !
and I hope you have a nice day
Poppa must have brought in the fleas! The quilts are lovely! If those aren't Harvest colors, it doesn't matter because they go together wonderfully!
Who is Army Butler III? Is she a gamer?
As always, great quilts but you know the top one is my favorite. I just LOVE that pattern. The colors are great. Of course you know what harvest colors are - after all those years of Lucky Block! Just substitute the word "autumn" for harvest. Poor Bhu. If your yard is over-run with squirrels, fleas can be a real problem! Hope he feels better.
No worries!
We still think you are super cute!!
Love the artwork!
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