I keep thinking I am being lazy, but what I am being is "semi-retired." After a year of this, I am very happy about the free time I have. I really enjoy the light in my sewing room in the morning. I am more relaxed. "But you still make a LOT of noise and always BOTHERIN' ME when I is tryin' to sleep!" 2 bad 4 U Bhu! I notice it's not so annoying to have me around when you get hungry. "Oh, yeah. I furgetz that part. I change my mind. I like you bein' around." Hmmm, I thought so. Anyhoo . . .

This year I seem to be focusing on working with scraps and the tinier the better. The past couple of weeks I have been assembling strips of little strips and sewing them together to make larger pallettes. I can't explain how or why this is so much fun for me, but it is. I am using bits of fabric that most people would throw away.

And then there are the June critters. There is a family of very FAT rabbits munching on our clover day and night. They don't even pay attention to me when I come into the yard. We always have a lot of interesting moths that hang out around the porch light.

This dude found his way there last week and stayed for about six days and then was suddenly gone. It does break my heart that there just aren't very many lightning bugs anymore. When I was a kid there were so many that all you had to do was open a jar and within minutes it would be full of fireflies! You couldn't run with your mouth open: I swear they'd fly right in!
Other than that, I read Tina Fey's Bossypants Saturday (ish!), watched "Capote" Friday night (even bigger ISH!), completed at least thirty crossword puzzles (in ink), test drove the new Pfaff Ambition 1.5 (impressive and affordable!), and got on with life in my own fashion. "Me, too," sez Bhu. xxoo
The reason there are not as many lightning bugs now is 'cause alla KIDS put 'em in jars!
WE still see a few lightening bugs,but you are right, there are not as many as when we were kids! I like your little scrap quilts~
You, lazy? NEVER, my friend. Love the moth. Could you interpret him/her as a quilt? I will bet you could.
Bhu, you're looking very handsome on your Mommy's beautiful quilt!...We hope you both enjoy a fun holiday weekend together, sweet friends!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
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