Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Taxing Day!

This is Susan at Satin Stitches measuring the backing fabric for Kyle's quilt. The color's right and the print brings to mind "velocity." I also went to the post office today and was surprised that the line wasn't too long. The guy in front of me had his tax forms with him and he actually asked the postal worker for tax advice!! A little confused, I think.

Was having a difficult, tear-my-hair-right-outta-my-haid morning and the phone rang: Margaret wanted to give me $141.43 (I'll take whatever I can get). She said they had discussed it for 30 minutes and they kept changing their minds about who was gonna get it and she had to keep erasing her notes and all she had was her gum eraser that left eraser crumbles all over everything. She wished she had her red eraser (pictured), her special once-a-year-budget-time tool. I searched all over the building to find someone who had one of these, but none exist! I googled "red eraser" and found a cool blog about ERASERS! Apparently, the Ruby is a vintage office item (just like ME)! WHO KNEW?

Lovely day, have a stroll! xxoo P

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