Friday, April 4, 2008

Zappa's Crappa

Wednesday morning I took off and went to have my taxes done at the library, where a crew of AARP volunteers does them for free if you are poor or a "senior." I am happy to be whatever you want as long as you give it to me free and apparently that's how 40 other people felt who got there before me. Knowing I was in the for the long-haul, I went out into the stax looking for a "read" -- actually trying to find a Stieglitz biography. If one exists, it isn't at the public library. So moving along, alphabetically, I am not impressed with much (what? Streisand??? CMON!) but I spy Zappa, a creep I've always wondered about. As I sat there waiting for two hours until my name was called, I learned and almost began to feel some sympathy for the guy. I finished the book tonight and I can say this: (1) the author should go to tech school and study plumbing or HVAC; (2) I apparently have not heard the "best" of Zappa, although I do remember several parties at Dave & Bibal Mars' house that featured all the latest Zappa Crappa and it amused me, though it was horribly LOUD and hearing it did not prompt me to purchase any of it; (3) he was a mistanthrope, just like me, and his mantra was "People Suck" and who can argue with that; and finally (4) people aren't really sure, but they think he might have been a "genius" (which is what they always say when they can't figure you out [even if you give them blatant clues]). He mighta been a pioneer, but he was no genius.

I got a small refund and owe State tax. I'm sorry to get a refund (which means I've given the USA a 0% interest loan for the past twelve months). Wish I could figure it out exactly, but my talents are limited, not being a "genius." I hope they use the taxes I paid to provide health care for a soldier who has been wounded in Iraq, amen. Love you all!!! xxoo P

1 comment:

Sabryin's Game Blog said...

Goma and Buddha and Farmer Mark think U iz genius