Saturday, August 29, 2009

Who's Dat?

It's all your friends in the blogosphere! They're here to see you, Bhu. "Me been gone so long, they not furrget me?" How could anyone forget YOU, Bhu? "K, Hai! We been busy but now we iz back! Hey, mom! When U gonna get a new cell phone? This one must be ten years old!" In due time, Bhu.
The garden is doing well and we are very proud of our sunflowers and BEES! Yay! It is so good to see bees everywhere but I have seen very few butterflies this year, so I'm a bit sad about that. Just a few tomatoes left at this point.
Most sad to report the death of black bunny, murdered by a motor vehicle last weekend. RIP, Mr. B! It's been a wild summer and an even wilder August. I can't believe September is two days away! I am not ready for Fall and in two weeks I have to make a major decision about my life and I am not prepared and I don't have time to GET prepared! It is really rough being a wage slave, when finding green papers becomes your priority. Please, please give me more time because I am not ready for winter yet!! xxoo Patty


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Welcome back. So sorry to hear about Mr. Black Bunny. It is always sad to loose a friend. We can't believe the summer is gone, either!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Hey Bhu! You are looking mighty handsome today.

Special purrs for your mom as she has to make some major decisions.

The Florida Furkids said...

We were sad to read about Mr Black Bunny. Did you make any calls with your Moms cell phone????

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

redquilter said...

Oh, I'm so sorry about the bunny. Really sad. I have tons of butterflys - want some? They're beautiful.


Meg said...

Patty! You doin' ok? It's been a week - has the decision gotten easier? Bhu is looking dashing as ever. Too bad cats don't travel well, as I'm sure he and Harriet would have great fun avoiding each other and staring at opposite walls together. :)

Nancy said...

Aw, was Mr. Black Bunny yours? How sad that he came to such an end. I am sure you remember all my bunnies.